Saturday, February 2, 2013

Pill-Free Pain Relief

By Dr. Steven Warfield

When it comes to relieving back aches, muscle aches, or discomfort of most kinds, most people reach for a pill.  While pain relievers, either over-the-counter or prescription are one way to ameli
Pain Research & Management
Pain Research & Management (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
orate pain, they aren’t the only or even the best solution. 

Laser therapy sounds scary, but it is anything but.  Unlike industrial lasers that use laser light to cut, therapeutic lasers work by delivering deep penetrating light energy that is absolutely painless.  In fact most patients report that laser light actually feels good, as it imparts a pleasant feeling of warmth.  The way that therapeutic lasers work is by using light to stimulate change at the cellular level. Cells soak up laser light energy and convert it to cellular energy, which leads to regeneration, tissue repair, and reduced scar formationLaser treatment can be used to accelerate recovery and potentially enhance the benefits of other treatments. 

The number of therapeutic laser sessions depends upon several factors, including whether it is being used as a stand-alone treatment, or whether it is being used in combination with other therapies.  As far as effectiveness, many patients notice a reduction in pain within a couple of treatments, while others may take up to 6 treatments before they begin to feel immediate relief.  And unlike pharmaceuticals, there are no adverse side effects from laser therapy.

Laser therapy can be used to treat the following conditions:

  • Neck and Back pain
  • Shoulder/Rotator cuff injuries
  • Elbow tendonitis
  • Wrist and hand conditions
  • Arthritis or overuse
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Knee pain
  • Shin Splints
  • Sprains, strains and muscle tears
  • Achilles Tendon injuries
  • Plantar fasciitis/heel pain

(Below is a video that shows a therapeutic laser in action.)

Vaneton - Laser therapy opens new horizons of healing

Electrotherapy and Ultrasound

Electrotherapy is the application of micro-electrical current to the body for therapeutic purposes.  This also sounds a bit intimidating at first glance, but electrotherapy is simply the use of several electronic devices that can prevent muscle atrophy and spasms, increase or maintain range of motion, and alleviate pain. 
EMS gently and safely contracts and relaxes muscles to soothe and help them recover from injury, fatigue and/or soreness.  EMS units work by sending weak electrical impulses that stimulate targeted muscle groups. 


Ultrasound uses high-energy sound waves that are designed to treat soft tissue.  Ultrasound is applied using a transducer or applicator that is in direct contact with the patient's skin. Gel is used on all surfaces of the head to reduce friction and assist transmission of the ultrasonic waves. The three primary benefits to ultrasound are:
  1. A speeding up of the healing process from the increase in blood flow in the treated area.
  2. The second is the decrease in pain from the reduction of swelling and edema.
  3. The third is the gentle massage of muscles tendons and/ or ligaments in the treated area because no strain is added and any scar tissue is softened.

Chiropractic Treatment

Chiropractors routinely treat chronic pain by using a variety of non-surgical treatments, such as spinal manipulation, to address chronic pain symptoms, such as inflammation and muscle tension.  This is accomplished by hand or by instrument to improve the range of motion in the areas used. Chiropractors are dedicated to the non-surgical treatment of disorders of the nervous system and/or musculoskeletal system.  When it comes to pain management, they typically focus on, but are not limited to, care of:
  • Mid and lower back pain
  • Neck pain
  • Shoulder pain
  • Joint pain in the arms and legs
  • Foot, ankle and knee pain
  • Carpal tunnel
  • Bulging or Herniated discs
  • Disc degeneration
  • Headaches

In Conclusion

Before you reach for that bottle of pills, remember that masking the pain and truly alleviating pain are two different things.  If you or someone you know are experiencing chronic discomfort, contact a health professional that specializes in helping patients achieve long term, pill-free pain relief. 

Dr.’s Steven Warfield and Dave Edenfield offer the most advanced treatments for back pain, sciatica, neck pain, whiplash and headaches. They also treat auto accident victims with state-of-the-art technologies. If you or anyone you know suffers from herniated discs, degenerative discs or spinal stenosis,  visit

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  1. Any method that helps relieve pain without pills is always a plus for me. My line of work requires me to squeeze into tight spaces on a daily basis.

  2. Who knew that chiropractic had gone hi-tech? I especially liked the therapeutic laser video.
