Thursday, March 28, 2013

Pregnant Pause

By Dr Dave Edenfield

Being pregnant means having to deal with changes in the body.  Everything from a patient’s hormones, to weight gain and even the center of gravity will be affected during pregnancy, particularly in the third trimester.  These changes create stresses which can present themselves as aches and pains, particularly in the lower back.  The added pressure can also irritate nerve endings, causing additional discomfort. 

During pregnancy, the body increases the production of the enzyme relaxin that loosens the ligaments and hastens delivery.  While instrumental in allowing a woman to complete the final stages of pregnancy, this same enzyme also instigates an alteration in the back’s natural curvature, placing added pressure on joints and spinal discs.   Studies have shown that up to 56% of women experience lower back pain during pregnancy and up to 75% experience discomfort at night. 

Lower back pain is often associated with pregnancy, due to the fact that as the uterus grows it causes the pelvis to tilt and the hips to flex.  The muscles of the hips, legs and abdomen in trying to compensate as the center of gravity shifts, can bring on everything from muscle spasms to facial pain and headaches.  It has also been reported by the National Institute of Health, that,

“There may be a relationship between back pain throughout pregnancy and a longer duration of the labor and delivery process.  A retrospective review of statistics reported that women who seek chiropractic care throughout gestation have, on average, a 25% shorter labor time, whereas women who seek chiropractic care throughout their pregnancy have, on average, 31% shorter labor times.” 

The report also states that 75% of patients who received chiropractic care during pregnancy reported less overall pain than those who did not.  Additionally, the survey of 400 pregnant women concluded that in 84% of the cases the women who received chiropractic care during pregnancy indicated significant relief from lower back pain during pregnancy.  It also recommends exercise.

“Evidence also exists that women who exercise during pregnancy have more energy, fewer mood swings, are able to manage stress more effectively, and achieve more restful sleep compared with sedentary pregnant women. Women who exercise gain 21% less weight throughout gestation; enjoy shorter, easier labors (decreased by an average of 2 hours); experience fewer medical interventions (24% fewer cesarean deliveries and 14% reduction in use of forceps); experience less fetal distress; and enjoy a faster recovery.  With their training, chiropractors can also help the pregnant patient manage an exercise routine compatible for her changing body throughout pregnancy.”

Best of all, chiropractic adjustments have not only proven useful in relieving much of the pain that women commonly endure during pregnancy, they can also shorten labor times.  That’s one pregnant pause that every woman would just as soon do without.

Dr. Dave Edenfield  and Dr. Steven Warfield are part of the team of doctors and therapists at who are dedicated to helping you and your family lead  healthier, happier and pain-free lives.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Hear No Evil – Chiropractic Treatment for Tinnitus

By Dr Dave Edenfield

One in five adults will experience it in their lifetime.  What I’m talking about is a persistent ringing, whining or buzzing noise that seems to reside inside your head.  It’s what physicians refer to as tinnitus.  While aggravating, tinnitus is actually a symptom of an underlying condition and not a disease in and of itself.  For sufferers, the constant din of tinnitus is akin to fingernails on a chalkboard writ large.  The symptoms for many continue both day and night, interrupting work habits, disrupting sleep and in general driving people to distraction. 

The Ears Have It

Tinnitus Treatment
Tinnitus Treatment (Photo credit: gurucrusher)
The human ear is able to withstand sounds as loud as 115 db without discomfort.  However, as we age, or in some cases due to external causes, our hearing can cause a reduction of neural responsive  in the ear.  An 
individual so affected might find that even small changes in sound intensity produce a big change in aural response.  Just as musical instruments have a fixed dynamic range, so does the ear.  As this range diminishes over time, the auditory cortex of the brain will try to compensate by switching on more nerve fibers.   This “compensation” process has been known to cause tinnitus.  However, even people with a normal range of hearing can contract the condition.

In a blog from a prominent NYC chiropractor, he states that, “While tinnitus does not cause hearing loss, hearing loss can cause tinnitus.  While tinnitus and hearing loss seem to go hand in hand, there are other things that trigger tinnitus.  A high level of stress and anxiety can cause hearing loss.  These factors are not considered as primary causes of tinnitus, but are instead referred to as aggravating factors.”

The blog also goes onto categorize the three types of tinnitus:
      1.       Tonal Tinnitus is characterized by a single tone that sounds without break or interruption in the ear.  This type of tinnitus is usually characterized as ringing in the ear.
      2.       Pulsatile Tinnitus is characterized by pulsating sounds such as ringing, buzzing, or whistling.  These noises often mark time with the heartbeat of the individual.
      3.       Objective Tinnitus – While the sounds associated with tinnitus are generally only heard by those experiencing them, in cases of objective tinnitus, anyone examining the ear or standing close to the ear may also hear the sounds.

Tinnitus can be caused by a number of underlying factors, such as exposure to a loud noise, over production or buildup of ear wax, medication side effects, allergic reaction, or sinus infection.  Typical treatments revolve around resolving the underlying cause, such as the removal of earwax or the administration of antibiotics to cure a sinus infection.  For others, there is no simple remedy for tinnitus.  In fact, many doctors will tell you that for many sufferers there is no cure for the condition.

That does not mean there isn’t a treatment.  One such treatment is Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care, which is a painless procedure that involves adjusting the cervical spine (neck adjustments).  Another chiropractic treatment is myofascial therapy that involves direct pressure applied to connective tissue of the face, neck and ear.  Many patients have found these treatments can diminish or even eliminate  symptoms of persistent tinnitus.  Since there is a connection between the nervous system and tinnitus, spinal adjustments can sometimes help restore balance and turn down or even turn off the din.

Class IV medical laser therapy has also been shown to be an effective treatment for tinnitus. Outcomes of previous studies utilizing laser treatment have shown the range of tinnitus relief to be between 37% and 58% improvement. 

If anyone you know suffers from chronic tinnitus, send them this blog and urge them to talk to a chiropractor about treating this persistent and debilitating condition.  

Dr. Dave Edenfield  and Dr. Steven Warfield are part of the team of doctors and therapists at who are dedicated to helping you and your family lead  healthier, happier and pain-free lives.

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Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Hard to Stomach

When most people think of a chiropractor, they think of neck and back pain, or sciatica along with other disorders of the central nervous system.  What usually doesn't spring to mind are issues concerning the digestive tract.  However clinical studies have shown that chiropractic treatment has proven effective at combating everything from infant bowel syndrome and colitis to ulcers and even Crohn's disease.  These same studies have shown that spinal mis-alignments can be the underlying cause for a number of gastrointestinal disorders.  Once these mis-alignments are corrected, the symptoms can improve dramatically.

This is good news for sufferers of digestive disorders.  In the US more than $80 billion is spent each year on drugs meant to relieve heartburn, acid reflux, gas, constipation, bloating, and diarrhea.  While these drugs offer temporary relief, they do not address the underlying issues associated with gastric distress.  In some cases, such as corticosteroids used to treat the symptoms of Crohns, they can actually cause greater susceptibility to infection or other side effects.

In 2010, sixteen men and women with confirmed diagnosis of ulcers took part in a study. The study compared the effectiveness of usual medical care to spinal manipulation, with both groups having a standard diet. The results revealed that spinal manipulation is much more effective at both reducing pain and clinical remission of ulcers. In fact, the spinal manipulation group healed an average of ten days faster than the medical group. This was confirmed with an endoscopic examination. Other studies on digestive problems have shown equally positive responses with chiropractic care.

Jim Dubel demonstrating adjustment protocals
adjustment protocols (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

A 2008 study demonstrated how effective chiropractic care is for infants with digestive disturbances. Researchers chose three infants who were experiencing infrequent bowel movements from once a week to once every 3 or 4 days. Parents of these infants had tried several different laxatives and other procedures recommended by their medical staff. They had also followed specific dietary changes and the use of cod liver oil and mineral oil without any results.
The infants began wellness oriented chiropractic for periods ranging from three weeks to three months. According to the study author Dr. Larry S.Arbeitman, D.C., ` All three experienced almost immediate improvement.

The bottom line is that the nervous system controls digestion, along with other bodily functions.  The sympathetic nerves of the thoracic and lumbar region along with the sacral parasympathetic nerve fibers and the vagus nerve all have a hand in controlling digestion.  When the spine becomes misaligned in any of these regions, nerve function can become impaired, resulting in compromised digestive function.  Chiropractic adjustment to these areas has not only proven to restore function and alleviate many of the symptoms of digestive distress, but it can also improve the overall quality of life for patients.  If you or anyone you know suffers from any digestive disorder email them this blog and tell them to consult with their local chiropractor as soon as possible.  Because when it comes to relieving chronic digestive distress, merely covering up the symptoms is one thing that’s hard to stomach.

Dr. Dave Edenfield  and Dr. Steven Warfield are part of the team of doctors and therapists at who are dedicated to helping you and your family lead  healthier, happier and pain-free lives.

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Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Whiplash: A Treatable Pain in the Neck

By Dr. Dave Edenfield

Whiplash is a non-medical term associated with overextension of the neck.  More commonly called CAD (for cervical acceleration-deceleration) in the medical profession, this condition describes the injuries that occur when a sudden force is applied to the neck that causes it to flex or extend in a manner that pulls and creates micro-tears in the muscles and ligaments.

English: A side view of a person wearing a C s...
English: A side view of a person wearing a C spine collar. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The most frequent cause of CAD is a car crash.  Surprisingly, it isn’t always the resulting damage to the car that translates into whiplash.  Speeds of less than 5 MPH contain enough kinetic energy to cause CAD. This can be complicated by the condition of the tissues, position of the individuals, and even wether or not the occupants of the vehicle are wearing seat belts.  In may cases the CAD is worse when an occupant is seatbelted. Other causes of the condition can include bicycle accidents, falls from ladders, being thrown from a horse, or even slip and fall accidents.  In the US alone over one million CAD-related injuries are reported each year.

The reason that this type of injury is so prevalent is in no small part due to the complicated architecture of the neck.  The neck consists of 7 vertebrae, 6 disks, 8 pairs of nerves, plus all the associated soft tissue, including muscles, ligaments and tendons.  Such a complicated structure is more prone to strain related injury than other more robustly designed parts of the body, especially when rapid deceleration occurs in the relatively heavy mass of the head, as is the c
Section of the neck at about the level of the ...
Section of the neck at about the level of the sixth cervical vertebra. Showing the arrangement of the fascia coli. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
ase in most car accidents.

Even front and side airbags are not enough to mitigate CAD and in fact can even contribute to injury, depending upon such factors as height of the occupant, along with seat and headrest placement.  Even gender can have a bearing, since females as a rule have thinner, less muscular necks.  However, the single biggest problem with this type of injury is the fact that in many cases, most people are not even aware that they have been injured until much later.

One of the reasons that EMTs place many car accident victims in a cervical collar following a crash is in order to stabilize the neck and prevent further injury.  In a typical fender bender this is not the case and so victims may not realize they have whiplash until days or even weeks after the
 accident.  Symptoms may include headaches, muscle spasms and stiffness, difficulty in rotating the head, difficulty concentrating and sleep disturbances.  Depending upon the severity of the injury, those affected may also experience difficulty chewing, tinnitus (ringing in the ears) and even vision impairment.

English: Lateral view of a C spine collar
English: Lateral view of a C spine collar (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
If you or someone you know is experiencing any of these symptoms, tell them to go to their chiropractic physician right away.  The doctor will start by examining the patient’s head and neck to look for signs of trauma, such as bruises, contusions, cuts and abrasions. 
Then a series of orthopedic and neurological examinations will be performed. Computerized range of motion is utilized to determine if any abnormal motion is present.  Xrays, MRI or CT scan may also be employed as part of the diagnostic procedure.

Once CAD has been diagnosed, a number of different treatment modalities may be applied depending upon the type and severity of the injury, including manipulation, muscle relaxation or stimulation, laser therapy, cervical decompression, exercise, application of cold packs, as well as lifestyle modification.  The specific treatment regimen may include one or more of these approaches

The key to a lasting recovery from whiplash involves early detection and remedial therapy.  Ignoring symptoms of CAD can lead to complications, further injury, and a longer treatment regimen.   Unlike many neck and back injuries, whiplash is a treatable pain in the neck that no one should be forced to endure.

Dr. Dave Edenfield  and Dr. Steven Warfield are part of the team of doctors and therapists at who are dedicated to helping you and your family lead a healthier, happier and pain-free life.

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